Friday, September 21, 2007

So a Job?

so darkness came to Dustin's brain and a job from nowhere temping for a law firm. at last something totally inane to blog about and spill my meaningless thoughts on screaming them at the top of my lungs to the faceless void that is the internet, and a blog no one reads. side note i heard ari was lambasting me on his blog. well i stopped blogging because i went to read his blog but it was a little wordy so i got bored then i figured why would anyone want to read what i think when i dont even care enough to read someone else's blog but maybe i will read Aris blog. if i ever get around to it. anyway law firm downtown big and meaningless its just a big joke everyones in on a giant building full of people pushing paper around with seemingly no end or beginning or even a pause in the middle. important people pass me in the hall but i scurry on to my cubicle and check data before entering it. it was three days before anyone even bothered telling the temps what maybe should be going on and the women training us initially didn't know how to do it and had this one girl doing it wrong. what we were doing made no sense so i interrupted my supervisor like 10 times while she was on the phone with her family. finally i figured out how to do the shit and finished mine. then i fix the shit i did before i knew how to do it. then everyone bails one chick of 4 temps quits this other guy is doing other shit and the lady doing entry is making the worst looking spreadsheet. her banks overdrawn so she takes off to fix it and i sit there fixing her spread sheet all day untill get this the last hundred pages are wrong so i have to go through and fix all this other chicks shit after doing the one ladies job who split for the day. and today i sit there doing the last hundred pages did i mention there were 433 pages. all the while my friend is back and she sits there looking at a immaculate error free spread sheet all day not to say i didn't spend 20 minutes training her so she didn't put it back the wrong ass way she had it. finally finished they give me a pile of other shit to do and the cycle goes on. I should be surfing the net like everyone else but I'm compelled to do three peoples work. i hate it but a task in front of me is something to be finished done with. I have this false sense the monotony could end if i could just somehow finish my stack of papers. but my brain is getting sharper although it feels like im pushing it into the sharpener and turning the crank myself all day. and i feel good waking up and going to a tall building in nice clothes riding the bus with productive people on there way to file onto elevators and into cubicles its the part a city i always fantasized about peeking in on walking through countless business districts with tall shiny buildings. my position sucks but i guess its an in into some bizaro world of strung out literate people. some guy took my number for a possible job while i was on a cigarette break. see if he calls. i sound like a chick. see if he calls. anyway Im strung out from this mindless fact checking and i don't know if i should look forward to or dread the predetermined termination of my temporary employment. maybe i can forestall it. i like words. i think Im exhausted because i feel like Im being clever when i realize later. well actually i still think Im clever but you know what i was trying to say. oh yeah Im bout done with this one stay tuned as Dustin's brain implodes on "Week 2 of Law Firm Job Downtown, will Dustin talk to any of the pretty girls filled away in cubicles. probably not. but there will be more disgruntled despair with comedic insights." I'll try to work on the insight later.


Gliderbison said...

my thinking is that you shouldn't assume so much about a blog you don't know that nobody reads it. I write a blog too but I also use correct english most of the time and that is something that I will try to avoid in the future. My next post shall be in the style of dustin. that is a tribute to you dustin, a real tribute. I love you like i love my own elbow, or maybe even my owne penis.

INDIA.ARI said...

This is good dustin. I didn't read more than the first few sentences yet but sometime I will. Do you look forward to having Jesse, Raven, and Adam around? Have you been seeing much of Alex? Maybe email me word donkey

Gliderbison said...

DUSTIN, time for another blog

jesse malmed said...


Jodi said...

hello dustin... please blog more soon.

Gliderbison said...

hello. I still think you're great, even if you don't ever ever blog.