Friday, September 21, 2007

So a Job?

so darkness came to Dustin's brain and a job from nowhere temping for a law firm. at last something totally inane to blog about and spill my meaningless thoughts on screaming them at the top of my lungs to the faceless void that is the internet, and a blog no one reads. side note i heard ari was lambasting me on his blog. well i stopped blogging because i went to read his blog but it was a little wordy so i got bored then i figured why would anyone want to read what i think when i dont even care enough to read someone else's blog but maybe i will read Aris blog. if i ever get around to it. anyway law firm downtown big and meaningless its just a big joke everyones in on a giant building full of people pushing paper around with seemingly no end or beginning or even a pause in the middle. important people pass me in the hall but i scurry on to my cubicle and check data before entering it. it was three days before anyone even bothered telling the temps what maybe should be going on and the women training us initially didn't know how to do it and had this one girl doing it wrong. what we were doing made no sense so i interrupted my supervisor like 10 times while she was on the phone with her family. finally i figured out how to do the shit and finished mine. then i fix the shit i did before i knew how to do it. then everyone bails one chick of 4 temps quits this other guy is doing other shit and the lady doing entry is making the worst looking spreadsheet. her banks overdrawn so she takes off to fix it and i sit there fixing her spread sheet all day untill get this the last hundred pages are wrong so i have to go through and fix all this other chicks shit after doing the one ladies job who split for the day. and today i sit there doing the last hundred pages did i mention there were 433 pages. all the while my friend is back and she sits there looking at a immaculate error free spread sheet all day not to say i didn't spend 20 minutes training her so she didn't put it back the wrong ass way she had it. finally finished they give me a pile of other shit to do and the cycle goes on. I should be surfing the net like everyone else but I'm compelled to do three peoples work. i hate it but a task in front of me is something to be finished done with. I have this false sense the monotony could end if i could just somehow finish my stack of papers. but my brain is getting sharper although it feels like im pushing it into the sharpener and turning the crank myself all day. and i feel good waking up and going to a tall building in nice clothes riding the bus with productive people on there way to file onto elevators and into cubicles its the part a city i always fantasized about peeking in on walking through countless business districts with tall shiny buildings. my position sucks but i guess its an in into some bizaro world of strung out literate people. some guy took my number for a possible job while i was on a cigarette break. see if he calls. i sound like a chick. see if he calls. anyway Im strung out from this mindless fact checking and i don't know if i should look forward to or dread the predetermined termination of my temporary employment. maybe i can forestall it. i like words. i think Im exhausted because i feel like Im being clever when i realize later. well actually i still think Im clever but you know what i was trying to say. oh yeah Im bout done with this one stay tuned as Dustin's brain implodes on "Week 2 of Law Firm Job Downtown, will Dustin talk to any of the pretty girls filled away in cubicles. probably not. but there will be more disgruntled despair with comedic insights." I'll try to work on the insight later.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Summer of Love

So its the summer of love in San Fransisco or 40 years later as the guy on the stage kept reminding us all. so far this summer all i have seen is a bunch of advertisements for banks and jewelry stores toting the sumer of love theme. but last Saturday i wandered into a giant clearing in Golden gate park and just like in days from yore it was a sea of sweaty hippies sexed out drinking and smoking weed. i was hungover and the crowd was overwhelming. i meet up with some friends and sat on their blanket. music was mostly bad there was a jeffersons air[plane cover band. lots of speeches by a guy thats been high for 40 years. and lots of old people gigglin and drinking and smoking away. it was more of a family affair this go round. but it was opulent and grimy not many acid freaks. another series in the endless summer concerts. just a bunch of old hippies getting drunk in the sun and passing a joint.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ari cant dress hisself

So waiting for ari to dress so we can go downtown. hes a lazy lazy. dosent know how to layer. fucking putting on tshirts over long sleves. who does he think he is a snow boarder.

Stealing from the Homeless

I found a way to make good money in the city. Ari and I have been walking around all night looking for sleeping homeless people and stealing whatever they might have. today were going to sell alot of clothes we stole at a consignment shop. we even got one guys beat up old wallet with 20 bucks in it. dont you wish you were as smart as me. Next week we are going grave robbing in Mongolia. dont you wishyou were as smart as me?

Friday, August 10, 2007

Tryin to Get Smart

ARI IS READING. I asked him "what cha readin for" he said "tryin to get smart"

But Really can reading make you smart? or does smart make you smart? can you buy smart?" what is smart really. if you got rid of the sm and added an f you would have fart. was that smart? spelling fart? any way after a long day of walking and sleeping off a late night we are again going out on the town of San Fransisco. There is a birthday party for C-Bowl and money is gonna pick us up in an hour. then where gonna get hiphi and fizz out with some peeps. whatever that means.

so now that i have a blog i figure i should be ultra political. I am pro war anti Human and running for any office I'm eligable for so vote for me. Really I am a racist robot form the future sent back for a laser battle with a group of animal rights activists. aside from being a bigot and a war monger i have mostly leftist views and am deeply disturbed at the low number of civilian casualties being inflicted by US troops in global conflict. I mean how can the rest of the world know how bad ass the united states is if we don't really throw down and start rolling deathsquads through the middle east. I mean the Iraqi security force is a good start but we need pure blooded Americans doing our killing no more contracting that shit out. If we raised bagdad and sowed the soil with salt the suicide bombings in bagdad would decrease significantly. I mean you never heard of the romans having trouble patrolling the streets of Carthage. but no what do we do when some soldiers take vigilantly justice into their own hands and kill a bakers dozen of Iraqis. where are the medals for gang rape? no we waste 6 months to a year prosecuting them, meanwhile a stagnant if not deteriorating situation in NEW IRAQ. But really I hardly think of the war or foreign politics because I am obsessed with celeb reality and much more interested in what Paris Hilton is wearing and where Linsey Lohan is going to rehab. Any way im going to enjoy my evening by rapidly consuming the worlds resources and shying away from any meaningful human contact. I hope you can say your having as much fun as i am.

A new Day

So Ari made me a blog before he went to India so he could keep track of my life. In case you don't know me my life consists of consuming things while doing as little as possible. I don't like spelling or punctuation, its just another way for the man to keep me down. I spend most of my day sleeping or smoking. usually sleeping when I cant smoke. I am arrogant and opinionated but socially anxious. I usually don't initiate conversations with anyone but myself. When a pretty girl smiles at me I look a way. When a pretty girl is mean to me i come back for more.
Ari is visiting for his last few days before setting out to India (i think thats somewhere near africa for all you geography buffs). we have been living the life in San Fransisco. We went bowling, ate Puerto Rican food, went clubbing and passed up a 5 person orgy for a bit of sleep around 4 this morning. today we ate sandwiches on the beach and drank coffee while discussing the futility of life and reading about this online environment called simple life and some guy with a real wife who is marrying some women over the internet and spends significantly more time with his avatar wife. so we rushed home and I signed up for second life. Its a bit social for me I prefer to get addicted to single person computer games. Feeling isolated makes me feel like an individual because I have to be different with everyone else so I refuse to acknowledge our similarities. As a true testament to how fucked modern culture is Ari and I are now both siting in the same room updating our blogs as opposed to having a conversation. anyway I am jaded. so if your jaded you should read my blog and revel in my unfair biased observations on the human race and its eminent demise.